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First Tuesday current affairs discussion - Tuesday 3 September 7:00pm start
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For News Review on 2 Oct 2018

Anti-Semitism and the Labour PartyAnti-Semitism and the Labour Party

by Simon Belt


The Labour Party's attitude towards Jews seems like an issue that isn't easily dismissed by them as a media storm. Is the issue being misjudged by those wanting to play it down? The very term anti-Semitic has become the subject of heated controversy, it's worth taking a look at the different tensions at play here, and how things are likely to play out.


Clearly the leader of the Labour Party has drawn attention because of his supposed radical leanings and association with the Palestinians causes that seek an end to the state of Israel. How can we unpick the anti-Semitic views from opposition to the state of Israel or some of its policies and is that what this recent furore is all about? ‘Yes, there is a continuing problem’, said Corbyn last week. But what does the word ‘problem’ imply?

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